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How can I get my essays reviewed?

There are four ways to get your essays reviewed.

ETS Score It Now Service

This is free for those with a GRE Fee Reduction voucher .

ETS offers a great service for essays review. It costs $20 for two essays and you'll get six new bonus topics! You can purchase the service here or here .

ETS Score It Now

Video Essay Feedback

We offer a service to review essays where Greg will make a private feedback video on one of your GRE argument or issue essays. The video will last 8-10 minutes and will cover feedback on grammar/mechanics, essay organization, cohesion and coherence, word usage, and persuasiveness. This service costs $15 for an essay and if you are interested, you can check the service out here .

Video Feedback on GRE Issue or Argument Essay

Automated ChatGPT scoring and feedback

While the default prompts on our site are not from ETS, you can easily use the "Custom Prompt" feature to copy an ETS prompt. Remember that you can easily find the list of all ETS prompts here

A student cannot have more than 25 essays graded per month, and essays with 50 words or less cannot be scored either.

You can have ChatGPT review your essay for free by going to The steps go like this:

Step 1: Click "New Prompt" to shuffle the prompts to one you want to write

Step 2: Write your essay, click "Submit" once you're done to save the essay to your account,

Step 3: Click "Grade Essay" to submit your essay for grading.

Step 4: Check back later, when the "View Grade" button shows up, click it to view the feedback

It is also important to note that ChatGPT is an AI model and not a human, and this should be taking into account when interpreting the feedback.

Greg Mat+ Forums

If you are a member of Greg Mat+, you can also post your essays to forums (under GRE Writing subcategory) and ask other members to review. Alternatively, Reddit is another option.

Remember to follow the rules of that subreddit when posting essays, or you risk it being removed.

Does Greg provide sample essays?

For ETS prompts

Other than in the videos themselves, no. This means that we don't provide written examples of Greg's essays to avoid running into plagiarism issues by students, but you can watch his issue essays instead.

For non-ETS prompts (i.e, ones created by us)

Sample essays are usually provided below the video. Here's an example .

Updated on: 05/11/2024

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