Other common issues
I cannot log into the site
This is separate from the issue some people have reported where they get logged out repeatedly; please see I'm Having Trouble Staying Logged In and contact the customer service representatives if they don't work.
We've had many users complain that they cannot log into the site. In nearly all cases this is due to user error, so we recommend the following:
Is your email accidentally in upper-case? Emails are case-sensitive. Also watch out for features like Apple's Private Relay that can assign a random email address.
Check your password carefully - there's an option on the website where you can "see" the password that you're typing.
Reset your password.
If you're using a Google or Apple email account, try using Google/Apple single sign-in login (SSO) (i.e, by logging in directly into your email account)
Contact the customer service representatives.
I don't see a video when I should be?
This is related to students not knowing what to do when they visit https://www.gregmat.com/class/quant-flashcard-quiz-3-solutions-to-final-three-questions (amongst others) and are met by a blank screen. There's a bug, and the workaround for this to simply click on the blank space, and the video will pop up.

There's a fault with a question (or I need help with one)
If you need any help with a question, contact the customer service representatives. Include
a screenshot of the question
the title of the quiz that has the question you need help on
a detailed explanation of your problem
Simply telling us that "there is something wrong" is quite unhelpful as we wouldn't know what the issue is!
"Something is wrong" on the skill builder
Just means that your answer is wrong in some way.
I can't find the solution for the flashcard quizzes
You should be able to find them by either
going to the Quiz Data page
going to the main flashcards page for a respective group and clicking "Quiz Solutions" (see below)

The information on the Quant Mountain cards are sometimes cut off
This can happen with diagrams or graphs. While we work on fixing the bug, a workaround for now would be to zoom out.
I can't "sort" or "match" in a question
This applies to some PrepSwift questions where you need to drag options from the second to the first column.

I can't view past questions in the skill builder
This is a popular request - we're working on it. It's now possible to reset and go back from the beginning, though.
I cannot see questions I added in the Super Quiz
This question is often asked by students taking the I'm Overwhelmed Study Plan. The in-progress quizzes after each part are techincally on PrepSwift, so you need to use the PrepSwift Super Quiz instead of the one on the gregmat.com website.
Updated on: 13/02/2025
Thank you!