How do I Upgrade/Add PrepSwift to my Account?
If you have a GregMat+ ($7.99) subscription, you can choose to upgrade to a GregMat+ with PrepSwift ($9.99) subscription. You can do that from the pricing page:
GregMat Pricing
This will not work if you've subscribed using; contact the customer service representatives in that case to add PrepSwift.

If an error message shows like "something went wrong", try accessing the content. This might just be a bug.
If you still cannot access the content, please chat with the support team and we will try to assist you.
The answer is that we won't charge you immediately - we'll instead charge you on your next billing cycle pro-rata. Suppose your billing cycle occurs at the first of every month, and you choose to add PrepSwift on the 15th of the previous month. In that case, you'll be charged about $11, which covers the ($8 + $2) GregMAT + PrepSwift subscription fees every month, and an additional $1 for the PrepSwift half-month before that billing cycle.
If you cancel the subscription before the end of the first billing cycle following your adding of PrepSwift, you will still be charged the fee for the period between adding PrepSwift and the billing period (up to $2)
GregMat Pricing
This will not work if you've subscribed using; contact the customer service representatives in that case to add PrepSwift.

If an error message shows like "something went wrong", try accessing the content. This might just be a bug.
If you still cannot access the content, please chat with the support team and we will try to assist you.
How am I charged when I add PrepSwift?
The answer is that we won't charge you immediately - we'll instead charge you on your next billing cycle pro-rata. Suppose your billing cycle occurs at the first of every month, and you choose to add PrepSwift on the 15th of the previous month. In that case, you'll be charged about $11, which covers the ($8 + $2) GregMAT + PrepSwift subscription fees every month, and an additional $1 for the PrepSwift half-month before that billing cycle.
If you cancel the subscription before the end of the first billing cycle following your adding of PrepSwift, you will still be charged the fee for the period between adding PrepSwift and the billing period (up to $2)
Updated on: 11/11/2024
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