Articles on: Getting Started With GregMat

Where can I Practice?

Problem Solving

We have a collection of over 800 Quant and Verbal GRE problems for you to practice. These are developed by our team, and you can use filters to target specific topics or difficulty levels. These can be found under the “Practice” category of the main menu.

Quant and Verbal Problems on GregMat

GRE Quant Problems

GRE Verbal Problems

For more guidance on our problem solving, please check this help guide.

Skill Building

This is where we offer the opportunity to practice and enhance the key skills needed for your exam success. You can find this under the "Practice" menu.

Pairing Skill Building Activity

Skill Building

These consist of exercises that constantly have you perform one particular skill to build up your ability to do it consistently. We’re currently working on developing this section, so keep checking here for new drills!


Our platform offers lots of quizzes to help you prepare for your upcoming exams. These can be found under the “Practice” category of the main menu.

Quizzes on GregMat
These are a sample of some of the quizzes we offer:

- Basics Quizzes: Ensure your Quant Foundation is solid using these fundamentals quizzes.
- Test your Quant Concepts: These 16-question drills are a great way to ensure your quant concepts are up to the mark. Each features 4 questions from Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Data
- Quant Questions by Difficulty: Looking for a challenge? Here you can find several quizzes organized by difficulty to help you progress smoothly with problem solving
- Sentence Equivalence Quizzes: Exercises to help you build your ability to pair vocabulary and apply them in SE questions.
- Vocab Quizzes : Think you know your fancy GRE words? Put it to the test with vocabulary challenges
- GRE Mini Exams: Want to test your time management? These mini-exams consist of 20 problems each (10 Quant, 10 Verbal)

Can’t find a quiz you’re after? Try using the search button at the top!

Searching for Quizzes

The Mountains

The “Mountains” are our special system to help you memorize vocabulary and quant concepts. This unique approach has you re-visiting previously learned content each day to ensure you don’t forget. You can find these under “The Mountains” category of the main menu.

Using the Vocab Mountain to Memorize Vocab
If you’re not sure what these are yet, don’t worry. They will be explained within the study plans.

Practice Tests

Think you’re ready to take your GRE? Try one of our full mock practice tests to help you confirm. You can find these under the “Practice” menu.

Full Length Practice Mock Test

Currently we only have practice tests for the GRE.

Updated on: 19/05/2024

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